Carpet Odor Control

Urine and Odor Treatment
If you are a pet owner, you are all too familiar with how pet stains & odor begin. You turn your back on your pet for a moment, nature calls, and presto! Your lovely carpet suddenly wears a pet stain. And if that wasn’t bad enough, you now have to contend with embarrassing pet stain odor.

Pet odors are a big problem. Cat owners are particularly aware of this; if the scent remains, they will keep on coming to the same spot. Dogs do this as well.

Pet stains and odor should be eliminated immediately when they first occur, because if the source of the odor remains in the carpet or furniture for an extended time, it will be difficult to remove. Our cleaning experts use advanced pet stain removers that will eliminate pet stains without harming your valuable carpets and furnishings.


CFM Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners can help you with pet stain and odor removal so that your carpets and upholstery look great and smell fresh once again. You’ll feel comfortable and proud of your home once more, when you are free of pet stains and odors. We also use a variety of products that eliminate urine and fecal odors from carpets and furniture. These products contain enzymes that will break down and eliminate the source of the odor. This process is safe for pets and gives the best odor removal results. For severe cases of urine we are equipped to replace the pad under the affected areas of your carpet and treat the floor as well as the carpet if necessary.

There are two sources of odors associated with urine: bacteria and chemical odor. Bacteria cause odor and grow rapidly in dark warm places with a never-ending food source. A pet can feed the bacteria daily! This bacteria growth and breakdown of the urine creates amino acids. These complex organic compounds will often work deep into the fibers to a point of becoming part of the fiber. Therefore, causing stains, odor, and harmful substances. Breathing these substances can cause respiratory issues, and upon direct contact with an open wound, infection.


Pet urine can cause permanent damage to your floors and fabrics. Please note that urine can leave permanent stains, discoloration, and even bleach the color out of carpets. If we can’t get the stain out no one can. In such cases we can often patch the area with a piece of carpet from a remnant or from an inconspicuous area like a closet.

It can also create an unhealthy indoor environment. If left for days or weeks, depending on the fabric or floor type, it will change the dye structure, therefore causing permanent staining, especially on oriental rugs. Even if the soluble deposits are removed, the damage to the dye structure may already be done.